1. Explain Canberra nanny profile: While beginning the hiring process, the first and important step is to decide what are the specific functions that you want your Canberra nanny to perform. There are some questions that can help you in defining the profile of your Canberra nanny- do you have more than one kid? How old is your kid? Do you need your Canberra nanny to take your kids to school? Are you looking for a live-in or live-out Canberra nanny? Do you want to add some housekeeping tasks in the duties of your Canberra nanny? When you ask more questions to yourself, you understand what kind of person are you seeking for your children.

2. Find a good agency: If you want to find a good Canberra nanny quickly, you need a reputed and safe Canberra nanny agency that will be able to help you by providing quality candidates. These Canberra nanny agencies are specialized in examining and finding different types of candidates with variety of profiles, from young and less experienced to old, professional and experienced nannies. For instance, a family may be excited in hiring a Canberra nanny who is youn g and has less experience compared to other nannies because her salary will be lower, her responsibilities and duties do not include something like driving kids to school or handling housekeeping tasks and in fact she will only responsible for one child and not more than that.

3. Canberra nanny interview: once you are done with locating and examining and applicants the next step is interviewing every candidate. It will be a big mistake if you complete the process of hiring a Canberra nanny without taking a thorough interview. You can understand if the candidate is reliable, child caring person, responsible and has a good lifestyle by taking an interview. Prepare a list of questions that you want to ask candidates in advance. This way you can easily compare the positive and negative aspects of every one and come to a decision of hiring a perfect Canberra nanny for your children.

4. Background check and reference: You need to inquire and check the background of Canberra nanny candidate before completing the hiring process. Don’t forget to ask the candidates to provide you with some references so you can cross check the information provided by them with another person.

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