One of the best experiences that a person could ever get in his or her life is being a parent for the first time. It is good to know that you will have a bundle of joy coming to your family but it could be quite overwhelming since everything will be new. This is the time when you will need a help from professional nanny who can help you in taking care of your child, especially when you are a new parent and going through an adjustment period.

One of the best things that you can to protect your child and make sure of your child’s care is training a nanny properly. Though it is considered basic but it would be good for both nanny and you.

Home care guide: It is very helpful to have a guide both for you and for the nanny in the form of Home Care Guide booklet, it is very necessary to have it as a new parent. This booklet should contain information regarding childcare and household. You make and arrange it in the form of a notebook or a binder by doing proper research, or by just thinking of the most important information to add in the booklet. You nanny can read the information in the booklet and refer it when you are not at house. Information should include the following:
1. Daily schedule of nanny’s job
2. Nanny job description, including everything related to job
3. Emergency details about the child like medical history, present medications, type of blood etc.
4. contact information of parents, friends and neighbors in case of emergency.
5. Information related to household.

Emergency situations are unavoidable and they can be very distressing. Accessibility of information would make this type of emergency situation less distressing for everyone.

Discussions: Sitting with nanny and developing a good relation is very important like any other working relationships, this should be done in the beginning. A perfect example is discussing how frequently checking should be done, it may be once a day, week or a month. You should be very specific on how you want your nanny to interact with you. Both of you can talk about setting expectations on both sides at the beginning.

While hiring a nanny, as a parent you can expect a nanny to have some kind of basic training. This can be a signal that a candidate does not take her job lightly. As the everyday safety of your kid depends on nanny, you should make sure that your nanny is well trained with first aid and CPR.

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